Are you training for a long distance event? Perhaps dipping your toe in to bikepacking and touring, or stretching your comfort zone with longer audaxes or ultra distance events? The WE GO FAR program is based on a proven framework to transform you into an ultra radical rider, mentally and physically prepared to cross the finish line of a multiday event.

If you are looking for an inclusive community, to train for a long distance event without burning yourself out, with a focus on your mental and physical well being, then you are in the right place


These multiday events take a toll on the whole body. Consistently practicing strength and conditioning exercises and cross training, on a weekly basis reduces your risk of injury and the need to scratch your event due to a physical complaint


Training for an long distance event is about making faster easier. Females are natural fat burners, so we don't need to be doing a gazillion hours in zone 2. Gender specific training means you can make the most of your precious time


Practicing selfcare is essential when training for an ultra event. Without sufficient rest and sleep the body isn't going to be able to recover from the training and get stronger. Arriving fresh on the start line is half the battle won


The longer the event, the more important mental strength becomes. Developing strategies to keep you focused and motivated is part of the preparation process. When you stretch your comfort zone, you learn so much about yourself

We Go Far is a training program using a proven framework to get you prepared to cross the finish line of a multiday event. It's suitable for beginners, seasoned Ultra cyclists and everything in between.

The foundation of the program is based on my faster, fitter, healthier, happier framework that I've developed over the last few years, getting my clients to the finish line of long distance events. It forms the foundation of the community ethos, training plans and one to one coaching services. In the WE GO FAR app you can work through the lessons in your own time, at a pace that suits you, to ensure you are physically and mentally prepared for endurance cycling events.


For so long now, the only training advice available in the cycling media and online has been based on studies conducted on college age male athletes and obese inactive males, but now more and more is becoming known about the effect of training, exercise and nutrition on our female bodies. What are considered absolute facts about training and nutrition, aren't actually always relevant to us. Thankfully, since 2016, there's been a growing number of female sport scientists who have dedicated themselves to researching and sharing information on how we should train and eat. What's become apparent is that we are highly unique, and our training and fuel needs change through the different stages of our lives, through adolescence, child bearing age, perimenopause and post menopause.
There are now more female cycling coaches than ever before. We now have knowledge.
Now we have choices.


What does it mean to train & fuel to your hormones?

  • Learning how your female hormones affect training & nutrition empowers you to make better choices and create better habits
  • Understanding what training to do and when helps you get the results that you want to see, achieve your goals, make the most of your precious time, as well as invest in your long term health
  • Understanding how your hormones affect your metabolism means backing up your training with good nutrition
  • Learning about the different hormonal phases of your adult life, from puberty to post menopause, will give you the tools you need to stay strong and active for longer


- ul - tra - ist

- one who pushes a principle or measure to extremes; an extremist; a radical; an ultra

What's in the program?

The first step will be for you to complete some forms to establish where you are now and where you want to be. After a one to one consultation I'll start creating a personalised training plan for you on Training Peaks, which will be delivered in monthly or three monthly blocks. You'll receive guidance on training, nutrition and event preparation, and if you have an indoor trainer, you'll be able to join me for live indoor rides during the winter. You will also be invited the private Discord channel, to become a member of a growing community of cyclists, just like you, training for similar events.

  • Done for you training plan based on you, your lifestyle, likes, dislikes and your goals
  • One to One consultations with your coach
  • Progressive off the bike strength and conditioning workouts to reduce the risk of injury, and ensure you are physically prepared for your challenge
  • Scheduled test events and rides to build knowledge, experienced and resilience
  • Gender specific training to work with your hormones, make faster easier and avoid menstrual health issues
  • Tracked training data to monitor your fatigue, avoid under training, over training and burnout

  "  . . . . training for a multiday event doesn't involve spending every waking hour in the saddle, 

or being obsessed with data . . . .   "


  • You are a woman, person of colour, marginalised gender or are someone aligned with our values and mission
  • Wanting to complete your first long distance event, 200km or more, and not sure where to start
  • You have entered a multiday supported or self supported bike packing race, event or audax
  • You are experienced in ultra events but you want to be more competitive or beat last year's results
  • Curious about what you could achieve if you committed to developing your mental and physical strength
  • Looking to stretch your comfort zone and finish an epic challenge feeling like a bad ass!!!
  • You want to experience the world through all your senses and create memories of awesome adventures


You've come to this page because there's something inside you that's thinking, you know, I think I can do this . . . . . . . So, what's stopping you? 

Maybe you're thinking it would be amazing to accomplish such an audacious challenge, but you're not sure you can do it alone You might be thinking you don't have the time and/or the resources You might be worried about feeling like the outsider, or that you don't belong in that space Perhaps you've not been able to find training advice you felt was relevant to you

I believe there's an Ultraist inside all of us You just need the right training advice, a solid support network and develop the right mindset 

Training for a long distance event doesn't take up as much time as you think. It's about training smarter 

Did you know there are free to enter events? Entry fees for some Audaxes are as little as £10

There are events for pretty much every type of bike too, including Bromptons! #ridethebikeyouhave 

Representation matters. It's time for us to show up. Join the We Go Far community to find riders just like you 

This program is for women, long distance newbies and the ultraists looking to stretch their comfort zones to more challenging events

Don't get me wrong, this is hard work. It requires determination and consistency, but you will be rewarded. You'll make friends for life in an awesome community and explore parts of the world others will never see!

Side effects of becoming an Ultraist include: Increased confidence and resilience, expanded comfort zone, self belief, widened horizons, a next level Instagram feed, excessive number of bike bags

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WE GO FAR Program

three month minimum

43.00 GBP / month

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Have a great day!

  • Personalised three month training plans
  • Consultations every three months
  • Monthly Group Q&As
  • Monthly virtual rides through the winter
  • Access to the private online community
  • A library of strength & conditioning plans
  • Invitations to real world rides with special guests
  • Monthly member's newsletter

The We Go Far Program option is perfect if you are training for a bikepacking trip, audax or race under 300km, OR are experienced in following a structured training program and already know you are very self motivated and self relient.There maybe lots of reasons you might feel the one to one coaching is not right for you right now. If you're not sure, please do book a chat with me and we can discuss your needs and goals.

1:1 Coaching

three month minimum

127.00 GBP / month

  • Personalised three month training plans
  • Consultations every three months
  • Monthly Group Q&As
  • Monthly virtual rides through the winter
  • Access to the private online community
  • A library of strength & conditioning plans
  • Invitations to real world rides with special guests
  • Monthly member's newsletter

Working with me one to one means we can adapt and respond to whatever is going on in your life and how you are responding to training. We have more time to personalise your plan on a week by week basis, or even day by day.

You will also have individual training sessions on and off the bike tailored specifically for you. Creating a bond with my clients is very important to me. Training for these incredibly challenging events is not only physically challenging, but can also be emotionally and mentally taxing. We know that ultra events are 50% a mental strength test, so knowing you have that full support and someone that understands behind you during your preparation, can make a huge effect on whether you reach the start line or not, as well as building confidence that you can make it to the finish line.

In my experience it takes around 12 weeks for a coach and athlete to establish a successful relationshipIt also takes around this length of time for someone to become accustomed to following a structured training plan, or realising it's just not for them. I work very hard to find solutions for my clients to ensure they have a plan that suits their personality, likes and dislikes and lifestyle, helps them stay accountable and consistent. It's during those first three months that we learn about you and how we will work together.